
day 8

my boyfriend, kerry, hates having his picture taken. he has ever since i've known him. probably his whole life! we were running errands today (which we seem to do everyday i don't work now!). he was just waiting in line at the store and i wanted to take a picture. he was being his usually anti-picture self, and this is what i managed to get.


christie said...

LOL!!! Too funny!! I like that you had your camera with you at the store! I've been taking mine on me with all of my walks.

Midnitecreations - Renu said...

At this rate, a few more pics of him and you can piece it all together like a puzzle! lol. Love that you take your camera everywhere with you.

ElleSquared said...

I've started taking my camera with me everywhere I go. My friends are okay with it, but total strangers look at me like I'm nutso. LOL