
day 46

i'm a nerd. i love the library. i love checking out books. and i love that you can look up books online, see if they are in and go get them. if they aren't in, you can request a hold and they will send them to the branch you want. it's great. i went to pick up new books today at the draper library. it's my favorite one.


Jen said...

hey, whatcha reading? i haven't heard anything from you on good reads in a while--and I need a new book recommendation! :)

Mrs. Fence said...

I love the library too. Our library was given a fund by someone local, so if you want a book they don't have, you can ask them to buy it. The $$ can ONLY be used to buy books. I think it's great!

Suzi said...

I LOVE the library too. It's better than Amazon: you go online, find the book (dvd, cd) you want, click "request" and then they call you when it's in. If they delivered it, life would be PERFECT. LOL I'm waiting on a few books right now. Hoping they come in today so maybe tomorrow I'll spend LESS TIME ON THE COMPUTER!!!!